Table of Contents
The paper_icon_theme module installs the Paper icon theme from ppa on Ubuntu for Cinnamon based desktops.
What paper_icon_theme affects
apt configuration to include Paper icon theme ppa
gsettings to configure Paper icon theme for a specified user
This module has a dependency on puppet-gnome which is not available on Puppet Forge so will need to be downloaded and installed using your preferred method, e.g. librarian-puppet
Beginning with paper_icon_theme
To install Paper icon theme:
class { 'paper_icon_theme':
package_ensure => 'latest',
user => 'ajxb',
The default paper_icon_theme class installs paper-icon-theme. To use:
class { 'paper_icon_theme':
package_ensure => 'latest',
user => 'ajxb',
To configure the Cinnamon desktop the following fact must be defined:
yaml desktop: type: cinnamon
Public classes
: Installs paper-icon-theme
Private classes
: Handles the configuration of the theme -
: Handles the module default parameters -
: Handles the ppa setup and the Paper icon theme packages
The following parameters are available in the paper_icon_theme
Data type: String.
Whether to install the paper-icon-theme packages. Values: The same as used for the puppet package type, see
Default value: 'latest'.
Data type: String.
The username to configure the icon theme for.
Default value: 'latest'.
This module has only been tested against Ubuntu 16.04. As the Paper icon theme is a desktop theme this module will only produce tangible results when used with a desktop variant of Ubuntu.
Before starting your work on this module, you should fork the project to your GitHub account. This allows you to freely experiment with your changes. When your changes are complete, submit a pull request. All pull requests will be reviewed and merged if they suit some general guidelines:
Changes are located in a topic branch
For new functionality, proper tests are written
Changes should not solve certain problems on special environments
Your change does not handle third party software for which dedicated Puppet modules exist such as creating databases, installing webserver etc.
Changes follow the recommended Puppet style guidelines from the Puppet Language Style Guide
Choosing a proper name for a branch helps us identify its purpose and
possibly find an associated bug or feature. Generally a branch name should
include a topic such as bug
or feature
by a description and an issue number if applicable. Branches should have
only changes relevant to a specific issue.
git checkout -b bug/service-template-typo-1234
git checkout -b feature/config-handling-1235
Running tests
This project contains tests for rspec-puppet to verify functionality. For detailed information on using this tool, please see the relevant documentation.
Testing quickstart
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake spec